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Injection molding

We constantly invest in machnery for injection molding. Presently we use Battenfeld injection molding machine with a clamping force of 300 kN (vertical closing and opening of the mold, horizontal injection) and ARBURG  horizontal injection molding machine with a clamping force of 1500 kN.

Mold dimensions:

  • for vertical Battenfeld injection machine mold should have maximum dimensions up to 200x250x400 (mm)
  • for ARBURG injection machine mold should have maximum dimensions up to 500x470x650 (width x lenght x  height).

Maximum injection size:

  • for Battenfeld - 20 cm3,
  • for ARBURG - 250 cm3.

Possible material for injection: PA 12, PA 4.6, PA 6.6, PA 6, POM, PC, PS, ABS, TPE, PP, HDPE, PELD.

This technology we apply for hermatization of wires in harnesses by PA glue usage.

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